How to Clean Out Your Closet for the New Year

How to Clean Out Your Closet for the New Year

January 12, 2020

As one-year winds down and another ramps up, you might be thinking about the best ways to organize your home and your life. While many of us see this time of year as a great chance to clean out our closets, we don’t always know the ideal way of accomplishing this task. Fortunately, there are some tips to simplify the process while maximizing storage space in your home. Use these questions to decide what to keep, what to toss, and what to donate to charity as you clean out your closet in honor of the New Year.

Do I Wear the Item?

One of the best tests of whether you should keep an item or send it packing is whether you wear it regularly. In general, it’s best to toss or donate articles of clothing that you haven’t worn in the last year. Additionally, you should consider ridding your closet of outdated pieces or those that don’t match your personal style; we’re talking about that scratchy sweater from your grandmother or that pair of jeans that haven’t been in vogue since the 90s.

Does the Item Fit?

We all have a top or pair of pants that we’re sure will fit perfectly if we lose that extra 10 pounds. Unfortunately, by the time that piece of clothing fits, you might not even like it anymore. While it’s fine to keep one or two beloved items for the day you reach your goal weight, it’s a mistake to fill your closet with clothes that are either too big or too small. Save this valuable space for pieces you’re sure to use.

Is It Stained or Damaged?

It doesn’t matter how much you love an article of clothing. If it’s torn, stained, or otherwise damaged, you should probably put it in the trash pile. After all, you’re unlikely to wear these items in public. On the other hand, unwanted clothing that’s still in good shape can be donated to your local thrift shop or even sold to a consignment store.

Is It Comfortable?

Not every piece of clothing in your closet is going to be as soft and cozy as your favorite pair of PJs. Still, uncomfortable or downright painful clothes and shoes probably aren’t worth keeping around. While shoe manufacturers always claim that their footwear stretches with time, the truth is most of us end up with cuts and blisters along the way. If your pants squeeze your belly or your shoes pinch your toes, consider throwing them out and saving space in your closet system for pieces that bring you joy.

Discover More Closet System Organization Tips Today

At Closet World, we’re passionate about creating exceptionally beautiful closet systems that marry form and function. Additionally, we strive to build flexible storage spaces that enable you to organize and arrange all of your belongings, from clothes to jewelry. Need help maximizing every inch of space? Call today or contact our closet specialists online.