Attention Men: Summer Is A Great Time For A Closet Cleanup

Attention Men: Summer Is A Great Time For A Closet Cleanup

August 7, 2019

Men’s closets aren’t always the neatest places in the world. Between the piles of dirty laundry and general lack of organization, it can be tough to find clean clothes, let alone the shirt or pair of shoes you need for a given event or occasion. If you find yourself with a few free hours this summer, you might be considering a closet reno job to get your wardrobe and life in order. Here are some closet organization ideas to enact during the quiet summer months so you can step into fall in style:

Add a Storage Rod

One of the benefits of men’s wardrobes is that they don’t tend to include a lot of longer items the way women’s wardrobes do. So, when you’re organizing a closet, you can make use of double hanging rods to save on space. Use the higher rod for items like shirts, sweaters, and jackets and save the bottom one for pants and shorts. If you do have some lower-hanging items, such as a bathrobe or trench coat, you can always store them on a hook on the back of the closet door. After installing the closet rods, you can decide to organize your clothing by color, season, or another sorting system that meets your needs.

Hang Up Your Ties and Belts

Hanging up accessories like belts and ties is a closet organization idea that can make a big difference in your wardrobe. A slide-out tie rack, for example, is a great way to keep neckties organized and wrinkle-free, so they’re ready to wear at a moment’s notice. Similarly, a pull-out belt rack is ideal for showing off belts and suspenders. Displaying all your ties and belts in one place also makes it easier to decide which ones go best with a particular outfit. That way, you won’t wind up wearing a Christmas tie to an important boardroom because it’s the only one you can find in your drawer.

Eliminate Unworn Items

It’s difficult to organize your closet if it’s overflowing with ripped jeans and t-shirts you haven’t worn since college. Before starting in on your closet cleanup, take some time to sort through your wardrobe. Create different piles of clothes and accessories for donating and throwing away. You might even be able to earn some extra cash by selling high-quality pieces to a local consignment shop or listing them online. In general, if you haven’t worn a given garment in over a year, it’s probably time to eliminate it from your collection.

Contact Closet World Today

Want to give your home a serious upgrade this summer? At Closet World, we offer 12 months free financing plus 0% APR OAC to help make clients get their home storage in order. Whether you want to revamp an existing reach-in closet in your guest room or create a brand-new one in the master bedroom, our team has the knowledge and expertise for the job. To learn more about our services, call today to submit your request online.