Prep Your Closet for Summer With These Tips

Prep Your Closet for Summer With These Tips

May 24, 2021

As the temperature heats up, you’re probably thinking about trading in those winter coats and boots for your tank tops and sandals. However, before breaking out your summer wardrobe, you might want to take the time to give your closet a much-needed overhaul. After all, you don’t want to waste those beautiful beach days hunting for your favorite swimsuit and cover-up. Keep reading to discover Closet World’s top tips on summer closet design, courtesy of the pros.

Out With the Old

It’s only logical to take your winter clothes out of the closet before the start of summer. However, that doesn’t mean you should pack up every sweater and coat to save for next year. On the contrary, it pays to inventory your current winter wardrobe before packing it away. If you didn’t wear a particular piece all season, the odds are good that you won’t put it on next year either. You can opt to donate these items or even sell them for cash at a consignment shop.

In With (Some of) the New

Just as it pays to sift through your winter wardrobe, it’s a good idea to survey your summer clothes before hanging them in your closet. If an item is out of style, torn, or simply something you don’t see yourself wearing in the future, feel free to get rid of it. Not only will this save you space in your closet, but it will also make it easier to find what you’re looking for on busy mornings.

Clean First

Once you’ve winnowed down your wardrobe, it’s time to do some summer cleaning. Dust tends to accumulate on shelves and floors over the winter, so take time to vacuum out your closet before putting your clothes away. Cleaning can also help prevent insects like moths, who may want to feast on your fashion. You can also add some mothballs or cedar to prevent issues down the line.

Invest in Some Storage

Shoe organization is a key part of any solid closet design. Naturally, you don’t don the same footwear when the weather is warm as you do when it’s wet and snowy. With that in mind, it’s a good idea to add some shoe storage accessories before the temperature skyrockets. We love the idea of shoe shelves or cubbies for larger shoes, like heels and boots. For more narrow footwear, such as sandals or ballet flats, consider a shoe organizer that goes over the back of the door.

Trust Us With Your Closet Design

A well-designed closet can help your whole life feel more organized. Fortunately, Closet World is here to make the closet design process simpler than ever. We offer a wide array of options, including more than 40 solid color and wood grain finishes and hundreds of accessories. Our goal is to keep your clothes and accessories in order for all four seasons. For more on how we can help, call today or contact our team online.

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