New Year, New Hall Closet Organization Tips

New Year, New Hall Closet Organization Tips

February 17, 2020

Just because you’re lucky enough to have a hall closet in your home doesn’t mean you’re currently using this space to its best advantage. Since the average hall closet is only a few feet in width, closet organizing requires a delicate touch. After all, this space needs to hold a wide array of products, including coats, shoes, umbrellas, and even snow gear depending on the time of year and the part of the country that your family resides in. Keep reading for tips on how to give your cluttered hall closet a whole new look for the New Year:

Resolve to Get Rid of the Clutter

It’s hard to feel like your best self if your home is cluttered and disorganized. Start the New Year off right by removing the clutter from your hall closet. As a first step, you can remove all those items that have been sitting unused for years -- we’re talking about that coat your child outgrew or those heels that pinch your toes. As a general rule, you should toss or donate things that haven’t been used in more than a year.

Create a Storage Strategy

Once you’ve removed all your items from the hall closet, and tossed those you no longer need, it’s time to devise a storage strategy. The plan you create will depend on your specific needs and lifestyle. For example, families in colder climates will likely need more space for heavy winter gear like jackets and snow boots. On the other hand, couples who love to travel might want space in the hall closet for their luggage. They can free up floor space by installing shelves for shoes and other items. Decide what you want to store and then create a plan to organize your belongings effectively.

Utilize Your Door Space

If your hall closet is on the narrow side, you might be wondering where you can comfortably stuff more belongings. However, many families neglect to use one particular space: the area on the back of the door. Depending on your needs, you may want to install hooks for purses and backpacks, racks for scarves, or wire baskets for stowing flats and flip flops. Some households even opt to stow a wire basket on the inside of the closet door for their mail. That way, family members can check it as soon as they get inside the house. You can even keep outgoing mail here, so someone can take it out when they leave for work in the morning.

We Make Closet Organizing Simple

It doesn’t matter how many closets are in your home. If you aren’t adept at closet organizing, there’s a good chance that all your storage spaces will feel messy and overcrowded. Leaders in-home storage solutions, Closet World specializes in creating attractive, organized closets, garages, laundry rooms, and other spaces around the home. Call us today or contact us online. We look forward to working together to help you get your life more organized.